外汇投资财经「中国外汇投资」 巴菲特教你看财报「巴菲特读财报」 债券为什么跌这么多「大盘跌债券一定涨吗」 小企业会计准则是什么意思「一般企业选择什么会计制度」 专项债券资金核算「债券偿还期限」 2019专项债额度「2021年专项债投向」 还俄罗斯国债「零息债券是什么意思」 向下修正可转债价格「可转债转股价值是什么意思」 中灿科技:管中微水的零碳雄心 现货黄金行情走势,十大正规炒黄金交易平台排名(2023) 谈谈投资品 债券的看法「债券投资策略」 个人取得的股息红利 个人所得税「分红所得个人所得税」 股权转让如何少交税「股权转让私下转让避税」 短债债券基金是什么「短债基金有哪些」 平高电气融资融券「华商信用增强债券A涨幅」 中短债基金推荐「纯债基金与固收加哪个好」 长期股权投资的初始计量例题「中级会计实务考点练习 长期股权投资的范围和初始计量」 股权转让个税问题「股权转让个税政策」 香港基金市场「外汇基金收益」 信用债做空「债回售」 国债逆回购是无风险收益「国债逆回购收益率一般多少」 债券质押式融资回购「可转债质押式回购」 今年国债发行时间及利率今年买20万国债利率是多少「2021年储蓄国债发行时间表最新公告」 博时宏观回报债券C风险高吗「博时宏观回报债券c怎么样」 债券违约潮「债券违约是什么意思」 奥园2022年到期美元债「债券到期无法兑付」 投资债券基金一定不会亏损「债券基金会不会血本无归」 债券的实际利率和资本成本率「债券资本成本」 基金比较好「最牛纯债基金」 投资债券基金一定不会亏损「债券基金会亏损本金吗」 投资债基 主要的风险是什么 「关于债基一级风险咋样」 绿色债券的问题「绿色债券的优势」 债基一直跌是什么情况「今年债基为什么跌厉害」 黄金的多重属性介绍词「黄金的特性和属性是什么」 收益率较高的债券「高收益债券和垃圾债券」 华夏永润基金「华夏回报a基金002001」 讨论各项资产的长期回报率「某企业预计未来5年收益额」 拓宽民企债券融资渠道的建议「民企债券融资支持工具」 可转债具有债权和股票的双重属性「发行可转股票的债券对股票影响」 私募八大策略占比最高「私募债券基金」 为什么可转债溢价率越低越好「打新债溢价率高好还是低好」 国债期货ETF「最早的国债指数基金」 债券知识全面介绍「债券入门」 地方债务管理存在的问题「解决政府债务问题」 债券型基金 分类与投资价值分析的区别「基金投资分析」 惠城转债预计开盘价「今天转债上市价格分析」 哪些债券基金 适合藏 私房钱 「个人投资者可以买哪些债券」 债基和保险理财哪个好「债券基金和理财产品,哪个风险更高」 买债基会亏吗「债券基金亏损的原因」 债权投资核算及账务处理 经典例题汇总「短期借款账务处理例题」
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2023-02-01 15:58:01 来源:LearningYard学苑




1. Foreign exchange

Foreign exchange is a means of payment in foreign currency or expressed in foreign currency that can be used for international settlements. Article 3 of the Regulations on Foreign Exchange Administration promulgated by my country in 1996 stipulates the specific content of foreign exchange as follows: foreign exchange refers to ① foreign currency, including banknotes and coins; ② foreign currency payment vouchers, including bills, bank payment vouchers, postal savings Certificates, etc.; ③ foreign currency securities, including government bonds, corporate bonds, stocks, etc.; ④ special drawing rights, European currency units; ⑤ other assets denominated in foreign currencies.‍


又称汇价,指一国货币以另一国货币表示的价格,或者两国货币间的比价。在外汇市场上,汇率是以5位数字来显示的。例如:欧元EUR 0.970 5,日元JPY 119.95。

2. Exchange rate

Also known as the exchange rate, it refers to the price of one country's currency expressed in another country's currency, or the ratio between the two currencies. In the foreign exchange market, the exchange rate is displayed in 5-digit numbers. For example: EUR 0.970 5 for EUR, JPY 119.95 for Japanese Yen.‍


1)直接标价法,又称应付标价法,是以一定单位( 1、100、 1 000、10 000)的外国货币为标准来计算应付出多少单位本国货币。相当于计算购买一定单位外币所应付多少本币,所以叫应付标价法。包括中国在内的世界上绝大多数国家目前都采用直接标价法。

3. The way of pricing the exchange rate.

1) The direct price method, also known as the payable price method, uses a certain unit of foreign currency (1, 100, 1 000, 10 000) as the standard to calculate how many units of domestic currency should be paid. It is equivalent to calculating how much local currency should be paid for purchasing a certain unit of foreign currency, so it is called the price payable method. Most countries in the world, including China, currently use the direct pricing method.‍



2) The indirect pricing method, also known as the receivable pricing method, uses a certain unit of domestic currency as the standard to calculate the receivables of several units of foreign currency. In the international foreign exchange market, the euro, British pound, Australian dollar, etc. are all indirect pricing methods.

3) Spot exchange rate and forward exchange rate. The spot exchange rate refers to the current exchange rate for foreign exchange transactions. The forward exchange rate refers to the exchange rate for delivery at a certain point in the future, which is used for foreign exchange forward transactions. The difference between the spot exchange rate and the forward exchange rate reflects the expected exchange rate change, while the difference between the forward exchange rate and the spot exchange rate at maturity reflects the unexpected exchange rate change.‍



(2)对冲。由于两种相关货币之间汇率的波动,那些拥有国外资产( 如工厂)的公司将这些资产折算成本国货币时,就可能遭受一些外汇风险。当以外币计算的国外资产在一段时间内价值不变时,如果汇率发生变化,以国内货币折算这项资产的价值时,就会产生损益。公司可以通过对冲消除这种潜在的损益。


4. Reasons for foreign exchange transactions

(1) Trade and investment. Importers and exporters pay in one currency when importing goods and receive another currency when exporting goods. This means that when they settle their accounts, they pay and receive in different currencies. Therefore, they need to convert some of the currency they receive into currency that can be used to buy goods.

(2) Hedging. Due to fluctuations in the exchange rate between the two related currencies, those companies with foreign assets (such as factories) may be exposed to some foreign exchange risk when translating these assets into their home currency. A gain or loss occurs when the value of a foreign asset denominated in a foreign currency does not change over a period of time and the value of this asset is translated in the domestic currency if the exchange rate changes. Companies can eliminate this potential gain or loss by hedging.

(3) Speculation. The exchange rate between two currencies changes as the supply and demand between the two currencies change. A trader can make a profit by buying a currency at one exchange rate and selling it at another, more favorable rate. Speculation accounts for roughly the vast majority of foreign exchange market transactions.‍



(2) 24小时交易。外汇市场又称“决不睡觉”市场。外汇市场的主要交易产品和交易规则都是一致的, 而全球各金融中心的地理位置不同,亚洲市场、欧洲市场、美洲市场因时间差的关系,连成了一个全天24小时连续作业的全球外汇市场。

5. Characteristics of the foreign exchange market

(1) There is a market but no market. Unlike exchanges and trading markets, there is no fixed place for international foreign exchange transactions, and foreign exchange transactions are conducted through a business network that does not have a unified operating market. The network of foreign exchange trading is global and has formed an unorganized organization, and traders do not have membership in any organization, but must gain the trust and recognition of the same industry.

(2) 24-hour trading. The foreign exchange market is also known as the "never sleep" market. The main trading products and trading rules of the foreign exchange market are the same, but the geographical locations of the financial centers in the world are different. The Asian market, the European market, and the American market are connected to a global foreign exchange that operates 24 hours a day due to the time difference. market.‍


(3) zero-sum game. In the stock market, if a certain stock or the entire stock market rises or falls, the value of a certain stock or the stock value of the entire stock market will also rise or fall. However, in the foreign exchange market, the change in the value expressed by the fluctuation of the exchange rate is completely different from the change in the value of the stock. This is because the exchange rate refers to the exchange rate of the two currencies, and the change in the exchange rate is also the value of a currency. decrease with an increase in the value of another currency. But in terms of the total amount of value, it will not increase or decrease the value. Therefore, some people describe foreign exchange trading as a "zero-sum game", more precisely the transfer of wealth.


素材来源于《投资与理财》——第3版 电子工业出版社



