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Why Are Leaders So Afraid of Change?

2021-06-02 08:11:03 来源:


These events provide leaders with opportunities to create a new chapter and new beginnings -- and thatis a good thing.

But it doesn’t really work to simply jump from one chapter to another without a proper transition. Nor does that phase need tobe long. However, it will giveorganizations and teams the chance to bring closure and completion to how things previously were done before the start of the next chapter, when things may operatein a new or different way.

The bigger the change, the bigger and more important the transition; and those who underestimate that need will find themselves carrying forward old baggage from one initiative, chapter or relationship to the next. The result will likely be a repeat ofthe same mistakes, traps and dysfunctional dynamics.

This task -- the management of transitioning between phases -- has a name: “change management.” But, unfortunately, most organizations and teams are not good at it; and that's where the leader comes in. He or she must also have a steady hand in leading the organizationfromold to new. So, what exactlyshould a leader's transitional role entail?

Creating a safe space

If people are harboring negative emotions, frustrations or resentments from past experiences, the leaderneeds to create a safe space for people to communicate, share and express their feelings, so they can then let them go.

For example, I worked with an organization trying to rebuild its team spirit and focus after having gone through a number of layoff cycles over the previous two years. people were traumatized from these events, and upset to see their teammates let go. They were frustrated about the lack of communication they had seen fromleadership during thosechallenging times.

58003 Andthey felt anxious about futureadditional cuts that might threatentheir own job security. Needless to say, it was going to be tough to bring back motivation, focus and commitment to this team.

Morever, sometimes people have specific baggage about the leaders. If leaders want to drive and inspire their teams through an effective transition, they need to be open to feedback and criticism about themselves, too.

I have seen this play out many times: Leaders want to start a new chapter, but people are still emotionally or mentally stuck in the past. They point to doubts about the leaders like: “Why should we trust them this time when they let us down last time?” “What will be different in this new phase?” 或者: “Why should we fully trust our leaders and get on board wholeheartedly?”

This is why leaders who are courageous will facilitate an open dialogue at this point with their employeesand invite, even encourage, people to fully express their feelings and lay on the table all their doubts and concerns. These leaders will understand the phrase “You have to empty the glass before you can fill it with something new.”

A transformational cleansing

The resulting team cleansing can be transformational. However, it requires leaders to confront, listen, understand and own what their people are feeling, with genuine courage and vulnerability and an absence of defensiveness. When people "get" that their leaders are genuine, they will transition to the next phaseand finally be mentally available to commit to what's next, with real passion and hope.

This transition, especially when it involves confronting past sentiments and criticisms, is not easy for most leaders. In fact, most leaders avoid it. 为什么?

Five reasons leaders might find a transition rocky

They take the negative feedback and criticism personally. 58003 But they don't understandthat in most organizations people already operate in somewhat of an informal “mutiny” -- it’s called “paying lip service” or “passive aggressive” behavior.They believe that by allowing people to express their negative sentiments, anyissues willbecome worse. “If we allow people to voice their frustrations, it will accentuate the issues,” leaders have told me; so they keep the issues suppressed.They have the naïve or old-school expectation that because they are “the boss,” their people should line up withtheir priorities automatically. “This is not a democracy," these leaders will say. "people should line up and not complain.”

But none of these six beliefs is valid. Instead, leaders need to apply personal courage and self-confidence, and be open and vulnerable with their people.

And not every leader is ready for that.

But those who are will remember that no matter how high in rank they are in the corporate hierarchy --CEO, EVp, SVp, Vp or director -- they, like their teams, are people first. And when "people" communicate openly, authentically and courageously, it makes all the difference in taking things to a new level.

