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4 Steps to Getting the Best Out of Your Employees

2021-06-07 08:11:08 来源:

Hiring your first employee is a big step. You’ll want to make sure that you help your new hire to maximize his/her performance. This can be a challenge because effectively managing people is difficult and no one is born knowing how to do it. Fortunately, it can be learned.

We suggest following four steps that are simple, but time tested:

1.Set appropriate goals.

Goal setting is essential. It helps employees to prioritize their activities and focus their efforts. 58003目标也必须对员工有意义。 There should be sufficient rewards for goal achievement and consequences for failure. This will ensure that achieving the goal will rise to the top of the employees “to-do” list.

Near the end of his life, H. L. Hunt, the self-made oil billionaire, was asked to name the requirements for success. He answered, “There are only two real requirements for success in life. The first requirement is deciding exactly what you want (setting goals). 大多数人从来没有达到这一点。 The second requirement is determining the price that will have to be paid to get it and then resolving to pay that price.”


与员工设定目标后,制定计划以实现目标。 To accomplish a goal, the employee will need to commit to a set of actions. 没有行动计划的目标只是一个梦想。 It’s not real and it’s not likely to happen. It’s equally important to agree on a date, and possibly a time, by when the employee will complete each action step. This will create the urgency necessary to get the work done in a timely manner.

3.Empower the employee.

To maximize the probability that your employees achieve their goals, you must empower them. Empowering employees means three things. 首先,您必须适当地培训您的工人,使其完成实现目标所需的任务。 Then you will need to motivate your people. There should be rewards for success and consequences for failure. Finally, you should remove roadblocks that are within the company’s control. Following these steps will result in your employees more consistently achieving their goals.


Once the three steps above are complete, you have to assess performance and make any necessary changes. 我们不是在谈论年度绩效评估。 A formal write up may only happen once a year, but effective management requires assessing performance much more frequently. For employees that are new to the organization or learning a new task, you may need to assess performance daily or perhaps even more frequently. Employees who have demonstrated competence may only require weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly meetings to discuss performance.

管理人员很困难。 It’s not an exact science and there is no magic wand that will ensure you always get it right. 事实上,你不会总是做对的。即使是杰出的经理也会犯错。好消息是,良好的管理人员是一项博学的技能。有了工作,你可以提高你在这方面的能力。 Doing so will take a concerted effort on your part, but if your company is going to thrive, your skills as a manager will be of paramount importance.

