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To Be a Brilliant Leader, Mindset Is Everything (Infographic)

2021-06-04 16:11:09 来源:

When it comes to brilliant leadership, there's no cookie-cutter mold for success. Vastly pergent styles can work equally well, which explains why many of our most respected leaders in business and tech often fall on opposite sides of a largenumber of spectrums. (Some are introverts, some are extroverts, some inspire throughwarm encouragement, while others do so through the strict enforcement of exacting standards, etc.)

But while their styles may vary, successful leaders share very similar mindsets.


These interviews revealed that, overwhelmingly, leaders accomplished great things when they focused on how their own contributions connected to a larger sense of purpose. Such big picture thinking elevatedleaders' energy levels and servedas a motivator to keep pushing for better results.

Exceptional outcomes were also achieved when leaders actively focused on their team members. Successful executives knew that to achieve greatness, they needed to ensure that those working below them were also highly motivated.

In other words, in their moments of highest accomplishment, leaders focused on the impact their actions had on the world and people around them.

Check out the infographic below for more information on a leader'smindset when he or she is operating "in the zone."


