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10 Courses That Can Set You up for a Thriving Freelance Career, Now under $40

2021-05-25 21:11:07 来源:

If you're reading Entrepreneur, chances are you one day hope to start your own business. Or, at the very least, become your own boss. With the gig economy growing faster than ever and the barriers for new businesses lower than ever, today's economic climate is ideal for aspiring solopreneurs. If you want to set your own career path, check out The Become A Solopreneur Expert Bundle, where you'll learn technical skills and advice on how to become successfully self-employed. 以下是你会得到的:

微软电子表格: Data Visualization with Excel Charts & Graphs - Utilize Excel to make better business insights and communicate your success to others.Master of SEO - Learn SEO techniques to reach the top of Google SERp rankings.Freelance Bootcamp: 58003 Learn Email Marketing - Build an email marketing strategy with MailChimp.Modern Copywriting: Writing Copy That Sells in 2019 - Turn prospects into buyers when you learn proven copywriting techniques.How To Start Your Own Freelance Copywriting Business - Understand how to make a living anywhere as a freelance writer.

This comprehensive bundle will provide you with a wide variety of skills to help you become your own boss. pick up The Become A Solopreneur Expert Bundle for just $39 today.

