Design the Life of Your Dreams Using These Simple Tips 我被一个我认为是朋友的人骗了。这是我学到的。 “足够好” 对于入门来说很好,但这不是一个值得的目标 为什么截止日期没有你想象的创造性工作那么大 来自经验丰富的专家的5个公开演讲技巧 你的副业可以变成一百万美元的生意。这5个例子证明了这一点。 允许AT&T以850亿美元收购时代华纳的裁决如何影响企业家 加里·维纳丘克 (Gary Vaynerchuk) 说,即使起步不起眼,毅力也胜过所有人。 这个女人的家庭买不起电脑。现在她管理着一个100万美元的投资基金。 The Career Shift From Employed to Independent 6 Fatal B2B Sales Mistakes You Must Avoid 3个迹象表明您的网络过多 停止让批评限制您的成功并恢复信心 重新调整您的生活和业务的6个基本咒语 数字营销推动股权众筹活动成功的5种方式 首席执行官的主要重点应该是改善公司文化 创业灵感十大在线读书俱乐部 微信怎么联系人工服务微信24小时人工客服 电话 微信怎么联系人工客服电话?24小时人工服务中心 微信24小时服务热线/微信人工客服电话 微信24小时人工热线/微信客服人工服务电话 微信24小时人工服务热线-微信业务人工客服电话 微信客服电话怎么转人工 公众客服电话人工服务热线电话 微信的客服电话95188怎么转人工服务 微信客服电话 微信客服电话人工服务 微信人工客服电话多少怎么转人工 微信24小时客服电话,微信人工服务客服电话是多少 微信客服人工服务24小时电话是什么? 微信官方电话 微信人工24小时客服电话 微信客服人工怎么联系24小时服务台 微信人工客服热线办理电话转人工接听 微信人工客服24小时在线电话 微信24小时人工客服解封电话 微信客服电话人工在线服务24小时热线 腾讯微信人工客服电话-微信24小时人工客服电话 微信24小时人工服务-微信人工客服电话多少怎么转人工 微信24小时人工服务号客服电话 微信服务人工热线电话是多少 如何从您的内容链接以建立潜在客户和联系 被遗忘的好莱坞偶像,其天才使wi-fi成为可能 马克·库班从他的6个最大的失败中学到了什么 10 Side Hustles Ideal for Making Some Spare Cash In the Evenings 在紧张的劳动力市场中雇用所需人才的5个技巧 百万富翁快车道: 27岁以下的27位首席执行官 The 7 Elements of an Irresistibly Compelling Offer 微信客服电话热线人工服务24小时 人工客服电话 微信客服电话热线人工服务24小时 人工客服电话 如何查找微信24小时联系人工客服电话 微信如何联系人工客服电话24小时服务中心 微信24小时人工客服电话/微信人工客服
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Design the Life of Your Dreams Using These Simple Tips

2021-05-14 15:11:11 来源:

Years ago, my father shared a simple bit of wisdom with me that you’ve probably heard before: Life is too short, he said. Too short to do something you're not passionate about, that is.

My father loved his job at General Electric. In fact, he didn’t even think of it as work.

He was on to something. Spending your entire adulthood working a job that provides you with income but no other type of satisfaction is a waste of your life. Consider the prospect of spending 40 years working day in, day out and looking forward only tothe weekends and vacation.Yet that’s what most people do.

At the timeI had that important talk with my dad, I was studying business at Santa Clara University, and I hated it. On a lark, I took an art class and discovered that working with my hands gave me immensepleasure. I wanted to create! Not only objects but also my ideal life.When I told my father this,his response was to go for it. “Follow your heart,” he said.

Artists never stop creating. You shouldn't, either.

My father encouraged me to take a risk at a critical juncture. And fortunately, it paid off immensely.

These days, I get to speak with young men who are looking for advice. Looking back, I can see that when I began studying art, I took the first step towarddesigning my own life. Of course, along the way I did a few things I wish I hadn’t -- and I wasted some of my time.

But now, ironically, my journey has come full circle. I’m all about business these days, and I absolutely love it -- because the work I do is on my own terms. I use my creativity every day. The traditional way business is taught just didn’t work for me. Now I know better: Business is an art form, too.

Looking to find your own way, andquickly? Here is my best advice on how to design your life the way an artist would.

1. Learn from others.

Find people who inspire you and topics that feedyoursoul. Dig deep! There is so much information available today. You can truly become an expert very quickly. So, when you discover something that truly excites you, get involved. Find others who are doing something similar and reach out to them. This is easier than it sounds.

Here's a tip I picked up from Tim Ferriss, the prolific writer and influential podcast host,who approached me for advice back in the day. Before you reach out to someone, do your homework. Know details about that person most people don’t. Flatter and tell this person how much he or sheinspires you. Ask questions this person hasn't heard before. He or she will know you’re being genuine because, obviously, you’ve put in the time.

The next thing you know, this person will ask, “What can I do for you?" Respond that you’d like to be involved in the questioner's industry and ask if he or she has any suggestions.

Let your enthusiasm show! It's contagious. And it’s such an attractive quality. Few people will turn you down. This approach is simple and it works. Use it to discover opportunities and get help pursuing them. Truly successful people have had many people in their lives help them. Success, to me,is being able to choose what you want to do each day.


58003 Someone said to me the other day that it's a little like going off-road when you first start out. There are going be a lot of bumps and things you'd prefer to to avoid, but you'll get there.

Now that I'm in my sixties, I know that it’s easier to hit a target if one is sitting right in front of you!

Take jobs that will teach you tools that make you indispensable, but don't let any job define you. 这样看: You’re not working for them -- they’re working for you. They are paying you to learn, aren’t they? So, raiseyour hand for everything. You are gathering tools to use later in life.

Select jobs that will give you tools you can use for the rest ofyourlife. I’ve been mostly self-employed. 58003 Even the lousiest jobs are beneficial if they fit intoyourplan.

And yes, it'syourplan.

So, raiseyourhand to take on other responsibilities. Learn as much as you can. Remember, your attitude is your greatest asset. Skills can be taught, but not attitude. That’s priceless.

Following are three must-have skills I recommend you seek out. You don't necessarily have to go to college to find them. But you will need them to achieve success in designingyourlife.

Financial intelligence. Work at a bank or take a class. The bottom line is, understand how to make money work for you so you're not just working for money.

Sales intelligence. Take any sales job. The worse the better! Cold-calling and door-to-door sales are absolutely terrible, but you'll learn more than you could ever imagine about human nature -- which is priceless. With this insight, you can gain some control over any situation. Once you obtain these powers, don't abuse them.

Management knowledge. Knowing how to manage and lead people so that they’re successful is a powerful tool. If you work at a fast food restaurant, work up to a management position. When you learn to help others, you actually learn how to help yourself. That’s also priceless.

3.保持开放的心态。 As I've gotten older, I say yes much more often. You never know what might happen. Many opportunities have arisen for me because I was able to keep an open mind.

4.好奇点。永远不要停止学习。 Keep reading. Become a student oflife. We all can and should try to improve ourselves.

5. Truly care. Make sure you give the people who matter to you yourfull attention. Listen deeply. Everyone has something to offer.

6. Look at the obstacles in your life as opportunities. You’re going to encounter problems every day of your life, so choose to look at them differently starting now. I highly recommend reading The Obstacle Is the Way, Ryan Holiday’s powerful book on this subject.

7.回馈。 You can never give enough back. Don't expect anything in return, ever. You'll be surprised where this attitude can lead.

8. Be dedicated. Create a habit of dedication. Like anything inlife,you have to do something more than a few times to get good at it. Also, get in the habit of being on time. It denotes respect.

9.游。 You can learn a lot about yourself and the world we live in by experiencing other cultures.

10. Embrace new technology, especially as you age. It's a big world out there, but it's getting smaller every day. Don’t let yourself be passed by.

11. protect yourself from the noise. You are truly influenced by the inputs you receive. Don't polluteyoursoul with garbage. These days, it’s everywhere.

12. Treat everyone with kindness. 58003

13. Never talk badly about others. Keepyouropinions to yourself. When you take the high road, people notice and respect you.Yourfriends will always come toyourdefense anyway.

14. Don't chase money. If you find something you truly love to do, there's a very good chance you'll have the money you need todesignyourlife.

结果如何? There will be many ups and downs in your life.Try to enjoy the ride each and every day.

