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2021-07-07 14:11:10 来源:

Interviews for management roles are challenging not only for job candidates but also for the decision makers of the hiring company. Human resources managers and executives from the departments involved in the recruitment process need to carefully select the right candidate to be sure he or she will generate a high return on the investment that the company is about to make.

To make that final decision, the company schedulesin-person interviews with the top candidates -- perhaps the most important step of the whole recruiting process, as it puts candidates in the room with their future boss, the hiring manager. While hiring managers are not psychologists or behavioral experts and may not have training in interview skills,they do know better than anyone else in the organization what the key challenges of the open position are. They know the team, the market, and have a clear idea of what a good candidate should be like to ace the interview and get the job.

Gaurav Rekhi, the head of product management ateBay, identifies the right candidates for his team and as a hiring manager he hones in on specific personality traits during aninterview as indicators of leadership and high performance:“Ilook for inpiduals who are problem solvers," peoplewho "can take on different roles," who arefull of "passion" and whoexude "confidence."In short, he looks for candidateswho can "influence others.”

One secret to acing an interview is providing examples and ideas orproposals of how to approach specific problems, such as a strategic plan, Rekhi says.

What hiring managers are looking for is a proof, a demonstration that thecandidate not only has the right background and experience to succeed in the job but that he or she can connect past experience to future performance.

So candidates would be wise toresearch thecompany's industry, competition, potential partners and market trends, showcase their problem solving skills -- and most have a plan. Finalists for a management role are in some cases expected to provide a short description of what their strategic plan wouldbe to overcome current business challenges.

Joanna Weidenmiller, the CEO of human-resources technologyfirm 1-pagethat gamifies the hiring process (and my employer),works closely with HR departments and hiring managers atlarge companies to identify challenges that candidates need tosolve before landing a final interview with the hiring managers. “The right way to approach company’s challenge and ace those interviews is to really understand the job responsibilities and requirements, do the homework and present a strategic plan on how to solve it," she says. "Ultimately, hiring managers are looking for candidates who are prepared to answer how [their] experience will work in the position and at the company, not only how it worked in the past.”

Candidates should be ready to provide answers on how they will overcome specific market threats, trends they have identified that company should follow, how they are going to make or save money for the company and provide strategic direction -- somethingthat managers won’t find in the resume.

Sydney Fleming, in charge of hiring forTrustpilot, a review-driven community that connects online consumerswith companies, has similar advice. She looks for skilled candidates who can showproactive approach and interviewpreparation that goes beyond reporting the resultsof a Google search. What Fleming really values during an interviewis hearing from "a candidate with a deep understanding of my business andof the market in which the company operates," someone who "couldpotentially educate me on my own company".

There is no silver bullet that will work with every hiring manager or organization, but these steps should help.It’s all about demonstrating that proof of an expectedinvestmentfor the company because nobody wants the disaster effects of a bad hire: a loss in productivity, plus thewaste of time and money involved in hiring that employee and the associated training costs. 描述性数据(简历)不会让经理得到一份工作。 Instead candidates should presentpredictive data instead, like a strategic plan and a demonstration of problem solving skills.

