作为创始人,我有4件事会有所不同 创业的时候有问题就可以了 设计和装备餐厅时要考虑的要点 通过免费的 “从员工到在线企业家” 副本,向财务自由迈进了一步 “捉鬼敢死队” 可以教给您有关开办小型企业的13件事 如何评估您的初创公司-不会出错 创造性破坏: 快速移动并打破事物 7迹象表明,是时候从员工过渡到企业家了 创建赚钱博客的快速指南 创业公司吸引风投的4种方式 5谎言世界告诉企业家如何成功 Bootstrapers的优势: 稀缺性提升创造力 向朋友和家人借钱的硬道理和技巧 如何成为自己的老板并在工作中喝酒 企业家的奥秘: 关于创业的5个常见误区 两名妇女开办学校教人们如何成人 如何在9比5的工作中启动您的创业公司 4种方法来决定你是否应该追求你的创业理念 引导最聪明的方式 在与投资者建立联系之前,您必须做的10件事 热情的企业家即使在袜子行业也能找到成功 2021年中小企业数字化赋能系列活动数字赋能融合发展论坛成功召开 6辞职成为企业家的强大好处 研究: 企业选择自由职业者来逃避医疗费用 您是否有能力使您的承包业务取得成功? 停止抱怨,开始胡搞 在前100天获得动力。否则。 你有专业知识让你的承包业务取得成功吗? 鲨鱼坦克的戴蒙德·约翰 (Daymond John) 说,您必须做的3件事可以帮助您的初创公司生存 两小时销售1817万!江西“百县百日”文旅消费季 直播带货大赛正式拉开帷幕 您的公司在启动时可以做的4件事 在您的业务启动前几个月建立炒作的7种方法 你讨厌的朝九晚五的工作并不像你想象的那么安全 购物特许经营时首先要寻找什么 这家公司如何在赚钱的同时有所作为 建立6位数咨询的5个步骤 教练是完美的个人业务的8个原因 党日活动--观看抗美援朝电影《长津湖》 在线课程可能没有您希望的那么有价值 为什么逆戟鲸岛出租车从一个小岛上获得大笔生意 美国各地的社区都在利用企业家精神来推动增长 这是一项6位数的服务业务,您可以以低于100美元的价格开始 企业家应该总是涉足副业。这就是原因。 研究商机时要考虑什么 在为公司聘请公司法律顾问之前,您需要的4个答案 大便! 一个创业故事被释放了。 从员工到所有者转变思维的8种方法 3种类型的体验将帮助你的创业成功 你需要知道的关于打入视频游戏行业的一切 破解App Store代码的5种方法
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What Women Really Want From Their Employers

2021-06-25 15:11:15 来源:

Last year, I received the iconic Turquoise pantone 1837 Blue boxas a bonus gift from a Fortune 500 company.Insidewas a handwritten, congratulatory note and a gift certificate for $1,500 toTiffany & Co. It provided awoman’s name and phone number to call for personal concierge service, along with an option to take the gift certificate directly into a store to select a piece of my liking. It was the mostmemorable bonus gift I had ever received.

I emphasize memorable because I have earned a performance bonus of $1,500 or more several times throughout my professional career, and while it’s incredible to receive “unexpected” cash, or achieve a bonus that you have been chasing, it was the creativity and personalization of this gift that made me feel appreciated and empowered.

It’s no secret thatworking women seek flexibility and want to be rewarded and judged on deliverables, as opposed tohow much time we spend at the office. We also seek equal pay, in particular for women of color. While these issues continue to play out, it is promising to see more companies shifting their efforts to prioritize company culture, as evidenced by examples likethis terrific, supportive notethat a Chicago-area CEO sent to his employees to demonstratedthat he understood they have personal lives.

So, what else do womenreallywant from their employers? I checked in with fourfemale business leaders, authors and TV personalities on the topic, and here are their ultimate insights.

1. Go beyond meeting my expectations.

“Enlightened employers go beyond meeting the basic needs of their employees and seek to truly understand how to engage them,” saysDenise Lee Yohn, brand leadership expert and author of the bookFUSION: How Integrating Brand and Culture powers the World"s Greatest Companies. “By connecting what’s personally important to someone with the purpose and values of the organization, companies create meaningful relationships with employees and align their efforts with the brand.”

Yohn elaborates, “An example would be how Airbnb opens the café in its headquarters to employees" families, even for dinner.This helps working parents, as they don’t have to worry about rushing home to prepare a meal or to spend time with their children.And it is a terrific expression of Airbnb’s brand mission -- to help you feel that you belong anywhere --and its core value of hospitality.

2. The value of my work is personal to me.

Carrie Bobb, president ofCarrie Bobb & Co, a real estate firm that works with women-focused brands such as Soul Cycle, DryBar and Sephora, remarks, “Exceptional employees, the most valuable assets for an employer, want to know they matter and that the work they are creating is meaningful and will last beyond their time spent at the company. It must be personal. During extremely difficult situations or in the midst of managing a crisis, it is critical to have empathy. 54003这是不同的。Often in large corporations, there are so many people involved in the messaging itselfthat the heart can get lost in translation. 员工希望被倾听和理解,他们可以分辨出经理表达公司想要传达的信息与经理实际表达他们关心的想法之间的区别。”

3. Ask my opinion.

Jenna Wolfe, the host of Fox sports showFirst Things Firstand a former Todaylifestyle correspondent, offers a sincere and direct perspective. “I’ve worked in television for 23 years, the bulk of which have been as a sportscaster in a male-dominated field," she explains."The happiest of them have been when I felt appreciated, respectedand valued.I want to know that you need me, that you want meand that I make a difference. Ask me my opinion, let me sit in on content meetings, listen to my ideas and show me you’ll actually implement the ones which can help us grow.Don’t get me wrong —a raise is nice. An extra vacation day never hurts. And I’m always down for a gift card to any sports apparel store.But for me, as a woman who comes to a sports office every day well read and well prepared, there’s nothing that makes me happier than commanding the respect of the people I work with.”

4. Everyone likes to feel included.

Gina Smith is the president of Rauxa,a woman-founded and led advertising agencyownedby publicis Groupe,and says sheprioritizes being empathetic to a perse group of women.她说,“我们一直从这样一个角度来运作,即每个员工都值得同情、透明,并知道每个人的想法都是有效的,无论他们是谁。因此,这不仅仅是为了满足女性员工的需求——尽管这一点非常重要——而且还涉及年龄、经验、性别、取向、肤色以及其他所有方面。”







