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How the 100 Healthiest Companies in America Handle Wellness Differently Than You Do

2021-06-20 09:11:25 来源:

For years, research has proven the unhealthy state of the modern workplace. Employees face back and weight problems because they sit at a desk all day and have poor diets and little or no exercise.Then, there's the fast pace of business, which puts undue stress on many of them.

To counteract these issues, organizations have developed wellness programs.But what’s really working?

Each year,Springbuk assesses thousands of companies to uncover which ones best support employee wellness. In September, the company narrowed down, from 8,000 companies, its annual list of the Healthiest 100 Workplaces in America.

Through a partnership with Fitbit Health Solutions, Springbuk dug deepinto data collected from those 8,000 participating organizations.And this analysis, released in Springbuk's 2017 State of Corporate Wellness study, had some eye-opening results.

For instance, more than half (51 percent) of the companies dubbed the "Healthiest 100"use tools like apps or web portals to track how employees are trying stay healthy.

What's more, they reported, their wellness initiatives are paying off. Of the companies that track financial ROI, more than one in 10 reported seeing $2 to $3back on every dollar they invested in employee health -- suggesting a real connection between the two.

Of course, technology isn’t the only aspect these "healthiest" companies have gotten right. Here are their goals and the steps they've takento support their wellness programs:


There’s a difference between creating a wellness program just because it’s trendy versus prioritizing employeehealth. If wellness isn’t a core value, it will be pushed to the side and forgotten when times get tough.

The Starr Group, a Milwaukee-based insurance and risk solutions company, incorporated health and wellness into its core values, missionand vision. It has since seen great results and in fact ranked No. 8 on Springbuk’s Healthiest 100 list.“The value we have received on our investment in wellness has been tremendous and continues to grow,” Mary Starr, executive vice president, said via email.

“We have experienced first-hand that healthy employees are more creative, passionateand productive, which equates to better customer service and retention and a more profitable company overall," Starr added.

Health is about more than the physical body.

Health of the mind and the body are tied together. A person can run marathons and eat healthy, yet derail his or her overall wellness by not taking care of themind.

Unfortunately, the State of Corporate Wellness report found that just 8.5 percent of the 8,000 companies analyzed focus on mental health. A wellness program can’t be completely successful without supporting employees’ mental as well as physical health.

pro Athlete, Inc. is a sport equipment manufacturer in Kansas City, Mo. ,and No. 4 on Springbuk’s Healthiest list. After conducting an employee survey, the leaders of pro Athlete discovered that their employees weren’t getting enough sleep. Since this was hurting employees’ health, the company established nap rooms in its on-site spa.

“Since we pay our employees to work out or use the spa 40 minutes every day, they can use that enrichment time to take a nap on those 'tired' days,” Chris Hawkins, the company’s wellness program director, said via email. “We also have a meditation room that employees can go to for a quiet space, select what type of meditation they’d like to doand go through a guided session.”

Even without a spa, organizations can still offer employees a place to relax. Allow your staff to sign up for alone time in the conference room. That way, they can go there to meditate, journalor even take a nap.


Technology makes many aspects of business more efficient. It provides data that allows companies to track productivity. 健身可穿戴设备也是如此。

As part of a university study, Buffalo, N.Y.-based insurance firmWalsh Duffield started offering wearables to employees. 该项目让员工对自己的健康水平有了更深入的了解,并帮助沃尔什·达菲尔德在斯普林伯克的榜单上排名第42位。









