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Here Are 4 Problems That Occur With Poor Management Skills

2021-06-07 12:11:33 来源:

poor management skills carry long-lasting effects and may infect an entire organization. The results of toxic, misguided leadership reachfar and wide.

They can even affect employee retention. In Gallup’s 2015 State of the American Manager report, one out of two professionals surveyed said they had quit a job at some point in their career to “get away” from their boss.

On the other hand, strong leaders who use good management skills positively impact a company in various ways, like reducing turnover, improving moraleand empowering employees to be more productive. Management needs to lead by example and create a positive working environment for employees to perform at their best capacity.

The following four problems detail the negative impactbad management has, and illustratehow good managing tactics can help solve workplace issues:

problem1: avoiding recognition

When employees are not recognized for their accomplishments or are only criticized for their shortcomings, they don’t feel valued and work in a state of fear of making a mistake.This is a common problem. A September 2015 study from Achievers found that 57 percent of the 397 employees surveyed didn't feel recognized for their progress at work. When people aren’t recognized, they aren’t motivated.

Solution:Good management skills include the ability to communicate effectively. This ability isn't just aboutdelegating. It also encompasses efforts toactively letemployees know they are valued.


There should be consistent, open communication, where employees receive constructive feedback. Managers should provide guidance to subordinates on improvingweaknesses while also celebrating those employees' strengths and accomplishments.

problem 2: running bad meetings

Face it -- most meetings are major time sinks with little payoff. The disconnect exists between the manager’s desire to stay in the loop and delegate tasks, and the employee’s disinterest in attending.

Meetings are often viewed as a hassle for the staff, who usually have to stop their projects to focus instead on pulling reports, summarizing projectsand presenting new ideas or sharing opinions. These distractionsscattertheir focus, killing their productivity and morale.

Solution:Staying organized is one of the top management skills needed to run a successful company. Good management means identifying which employees must attend and which ones can stay with their current tasks

For example, don’t pull in a whole department to discuss a project run by a handful of specialists. Those who aren’t directly involved will most likely stare off into space,tap their feet and feelanxiousabout gettingback to their workload.

Send out agendas so the meeting can stay on track. If all employees arebriefed with a schedule, they'll bebetter prepared and have a process to follow. When topics go off off on a tangent, use the agenda to bring everyone back to the goal and purpose of the meeting.

End the meeting by asking for feedback. Give employees a voice so they can offer advice on how to improve the efficiency of meetings.

problem3: instilling fear

Bad managers threaten an employee’s job security. 58003 Scared workers will even use company time to look for a new job. Even if they don’t, their morale will be reduced, and they'll stop trusting and respecting the management team.

Managers who instill fear tend toassign blame, withhold informationand answer questions in vague, noncommittal ways. Theyrefrain from showing compassion andcreating a persona that appears unapproachable. They also thrive on being unpredictable; and that has an effect,because when employees are uncertain, they are fearful.

Solution:Create an environment centered on trust and honesty. Employees should not carry around substantial stress caused by wondering if each day is their last.

58003 Instead of blaming others, take responsibility while turning failures into opportunities for growth. The worst thing managers can do is create a negative environment.

problem4: creating a negative environments

When managers commit the aforementioned no-nos, they createa negative working environment. If employees suffer from anxiety and stress, they are simply not going to work well.Aspects of a bad workplace include inconsistent policies, favoritismand a lack of managerial presence.

Solution:Keep policies consistent, treat everyone fairlyand be "present." Jump into the trenches with your employees, regardless of their level. When managers are present, theyshow that they view employees as equals. Ruling from an ivory tower feels isolating and elitist.

Finally, ensure that employees feel comfortable discussing their compensation and other work-related issues they aren’t satisfied with. A transparent culture encourages teamwork, and establishes a mutual respect and trust among all organizational levels.

