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The Secret Behind a Company That Gets Wildly High Internal Message Open Rates

2021-06-04 08:11:09 来源:

Recently, I had the chance to sit down with Michael DeFranco, CEO of messaging app Lua, and was astonished to learn that some of his clients have reported a 98 percentinternal message open rate --compared to the standard 20 to30 percent associated with traditional office email.If you ask me, that’s pretty damn impressive!

Not only did I want to find out how he achieved such a surprising feat, I wanted to hear what other insights he could provide for other growth-oriented entrepreneurs.Here are three lessons I learned from our conversation:

1. Skip email for internal communications.

In DeFranco’s opinion, email should only be used for external conversations, such as the messages you exchange with suppliers, clients, job candidates and distributors. When you need to communicate information internally, enterprise messaging systems are a stronger alternative, as they prompt immediate action,rather than being leftignoredin an over-crowded inbox.

Transitioning to this type of system can be challenging,especially for employees who have become accustomed to the lack of accountability granted by email usage, but it is doable. Success for most companies will come down to having an internal messaging champion who’s able to persuade other employees to get onboard with the new system, as well as having an established and enforced series of disciplinary measures for those that don’t follow the new protocol.

2.Give your team the right tools.

Another interesting insight that DeFranco shared during our discussion was his experience with the “BYOD” movement. Many companies that have implemented “bring your own device” programs that allow employees to do business work from their personal smartphones and tablets have been disappointed with the results. Though they expected to see shifts in productivity similar to the initial launch of pCs, productivity gains haven’t kept pace.


The solution to this challenge, as you might expect, is to research the apps and tools that your employees need to be successful and then provide them at the company’s cost. While you’ll want to carefully examine the security features each app provides to prevent inadvertent data leaks, think also about what tasks employees can do on their devices.

Could your sales team use the Salesforce app to increase efficiency? Could a mobile-messaging app such as Lua provide an effective alternative to email in terms of relaying messages and getting team members to take action?

3. Connect your departments with data.

While there are many different enterprise-level messaging apps out there, one thing that sets Lua apart, according to DeFranco, is its ability to track messaging analytics on the program’s backend. Here’s why that’s so important.

One of Lua’s first customers was a sports stadium which had agoal to drive increased ticket revenue. After using the program throughout a game, stadium executives found that, while the sales and ticketing offices communicated well, the marketing team was being left out of the loop. Since the marketing team was the one making decisions about which promotions to run and which groups to target, this was a major oversight. Resolving it to give the marketing team real-time sales insights improved ticket sales almost immediately.

The point here isn’t to promote Lua exclusively, though I do think it’s a worthwhile program for companies in need of internal messaging apps. What is important is that you make yourself aware of the power of data in these circumstances. What would your company’s messaging analytics say about your internal communications? Would they reveal any gaps, like they did in the sports stadium example above? 58003

Of course, the tricky part about adopting a data-driven mindset is that there is a seemingly endless number of programs and tools out there that will give you analytics information --so many that you could devote your entire work week to collecting and trying to make sense of this content.

To avoid data overload, I’d recommend identifying one to threekey metrics where your company is weakest and implement only those solutions that provide data on these metrics. Say you’re most concerned about your churn rate. In this case, focus your attention on programs that provide sales-funnel data before worrying about apps that offer communication analytics. 58003

Do you use an internal messaging program instead of email? If so, have you seen the type of improvements described here? 在下面的评论部分分享你的想法!

