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11 Characteristics of Powerful People You Can Cultivate

2021-06-03 10:11:08 来源:

Whether it’s a political leader, high-ranking military officialor successful startup founder, there’s a common thread that ties these powerful inpiduals together. While timing, hard workand passion are all prevalent, powerful people also possess the following 11 habits.


powerful people are confident -- which isa skill you can work on-- andpeople are naturally drawn to confident inpiduals. Because they areconfident, powerful people aren’t afraid to tackle risks and challenges head-on. Additionally, confident inpiduals can appreciate small accomplishments, work on their communication skills, let go of the pastand realize what’s most important.

2. Don’t seek fame and fortune.

Do you think pope Francis seeks out fame and fortune? Of course not, and like pope Francis, powerful people aren’t looking to flaunt their success. Instead, they focus on what matters most to their customers, companyand community.

3. Take up more space.

A2010 experimentconducted by psychologists Dana Carneyand Amy Cuddy found that subjects who stayed in a position that took up more spacefor longer than one minute actually felt morepowerful. This was caused by a biochemical reaction that increased testosterone and decreased cortisol.

4. Know when to speak.

Think of someone who doesn’t talk a whole lot but what they do say is useful, powerful and insightful. powerful inpiduals know when to talk and what exactly to say at the right time. Also, by not speaking that much, it decreases their chance ofsaying something foolish.

5. Break eye contact.

You’ve probably heard that the best speakers and leaders makestrong eye contact. It turns out that this isn’t exactly the case. Based onresearchby psychologists Frances Chen and Julia Minson, it was found that eye contact can actually be counterproductive because it lessens persuasion. Instead of looking into someone else’s eyes, leaders should look at their audience member’s mouth.

6. Aren’t afraid to endurecriticism.

When you’re in a position of power, some of your decisions will be unpopular. powerful people are not afraid of the backlash. If they were they could nottake charge and do what’s best for their customers, company or community.

7. They look the part.

If you look at most leaders, what do they wear? 58003

8. Team players.

powerful people realize they’re part of a team witha designated role. While their role has more impact and responsibilities, they never undervalue the hard work ofother team members.

9. They're flexible.

Life is unpredictable. powerful people are able to make the right adjustments to solve the problem at hand. Being flexible doesn’t mean they’re pushovers. They just seekto handle situations.

10. Ask betterquestions.

Tony Robbinsonce said "Successful people ask better questions and, as a result, they get better answers." In fact,John Maxwellhas written entire book on the subject. powerful people ask astute questions to determine what’s best for their customers, companyand community.

11. pick a hard seat and carry heavy objects.

According to study published inScience, people who opted to sit in an uncomfortable chair become tougher at negotiating because the rigid sensation seems to lessen a shift in decisions. In the same study, it was also discovered that the subjects who were carrying heavier objects appeared to be more important.

Ready to take on the world? Use these tips to feel and become more powerful.

