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10 Approaches to Handle the Burden of Leadership

2021-05-31 12:11:05 来源:

58003 Even in a single entrepreneur startup, the leader carries a heavy weight.

This unexpected burden often results in a dysfunctional startup, as the entrepreneur reverts to micro-management, burnout or even grandstanding to get some attention or sense of direction and feedback. Those who have big egos often fall into the use of intimidation, edicts and even deception. Of course, that only leads to antagonism and further isolation.

As with other challenges, it takes effort and a special focus to lessen the burden and avoid the loneliness of being a founder or top executive. Here are some key approaches endorsed by successful entrepreneurs and leaders to stay healthy, and be a respected leader:

1. Seek affirmation and guidance from your peers.

Every business domain has organizations of peers, such asVistage or Young Entrepreneurs’ Organization (YEO), where entrepreneur leaders can find and give support, and resolve problems with no jeopardy among like-minded leaders who face similar challenges.


Even if they don’t see you as a peer, it’s your view that counts here. Don’t isolate yourself. You can always learn from the experience of others on your team. If your startup is a one-man show, there are outside advisors who can offer you an unbiased view as a team member.

3. Keep your family and friends in sync with you as peers.

Their feedback and perspective is vital to your health and success, if you maintain a balance between business and personal. Their guidance will help to keep you centered and effective. The best leaders learn to sometimes say no to work, and learn how to mix work and play.

4. Separate your work and play environments.

Everyone needs a regular change of scenery and separate time to switch modes from work to external challenges. These outside activities may be sports, non-profitsor family activities where you can change roles, rely on someone else for leadership, or simply relax and recharge.

5. Interact with customers in a non-pressure situation.

Social-media vehicles, including Twitter and LinkedIn, allow interactions with hundreds of people, or one on one, without the pressure of your leadership role. Use the opportunity to anonymously test new ideas and strategies, with direct and unfiltered feedback.

6. proactively schedule business networking opportunities.

Take the initiative on a regular basis to ask for time with peers or even competitors that you respect, without waiting for them to come to you. This not only counters isolation, but helps balance your business focus, and keep you up to speed on new developments in your industry.

7. Actively improve your charismatic image.

Charisma is that magnetic energy implying confidence and strength, arousing loyalty and admiration from others. Charismatic leaders don’t succumb to loneliness, and develop a wide range of positive habits. Key elements of charisma are listening actively to others, and reading body language.

8. Inspire and empower your team members.

The more you empower others in your organization, and the better you communicate your vision, the more they will be with you at the top. You won’t be lonely when you feel the team is with you every step of the way. This will strengthen the business for all of you, as well as relieve your burden.

9. Share your fears and challenges with selected insiders.

Too many entrepreneurs like to pretend that they have it all together, all the time. It’s healthy and productive to be more transparent with trusted team members and advisors. This leads to sharing progress on struggles, and discussing ways of mitigating business problems.

10. Join your board of advisors, rather than contend with them.

Accept that a good board will tell you what you need to hear, rather than what you want to hear. 58003 Join them in actively looking for ways to lighten your burden at every opportunity.

More focus on improving your personal motivation is also a clear antidote to the burden of leadership. Of course the best antidote is incremental success and seeing real results, giving you the positive feedback that we all need. Make your leadership role the source of pride and accomplishment that attracted you to the entrepreneur lifestyle in the first place.

