2021-05-29 13:11:04 来源:
The research gives the opportunity to those companies that have experienced this technology to express what are the uses and challenges when adopting it in the financial industry.
participants will receive VIp access to the report and their company will have visibility in the acknowledgments of the study.
You can participate if:
Your organization has experimented with Blockchain in the past or considered its use.
You have a startup based on Blockchain, with an impact on the financial industry.
You have an opinion or perspective on the role that blockchain should play in the Latin American financial sector.
If you want to take part, you can do so by answering the questionnaire available here.免责声明:本网站所有信息仅供参考,不做交易和服务的根据,如自行使用本网资料发生偏差,本站概不负责,亦不负任何法律责任。如有侵权行为,请第一时间联系我们修改或删除,多谢。
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