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This Startup Fundraising Platform is Bringing Non-Profits to the World of Venture Investing

2021-05-28 18:11:15 来源:

While the blockchain is most commonly referred-to in the same breath as cryptocurrency and feverish market runs, many believe that the real potential of blockchain technology goes far beyond digital coins. At its core, blockchain technology is essentially a transparent and immutable ledger for any type of transaction, including transactions between funding agencies and on-the-ground actors. Cryptocurrencies and charities seem like a match made in heaven. Transparency, immutability and traceability: everything charities need to work effectively.

Straight-forward hypothesis is that since forest cover and reforestation efforts can be easily detected by satellite, each acre protected or reforested can trigger payments from investors directly to the people or communities responsible for the work.

Rainforest Foundation US is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to tackle major challenges of our time: deforestation, climate crisis, and human rights violations.

DAO Maker Supports Rainforest Foundation’s Blockchain Development

As a progressive organization, Rainforest Foundation is developing a system to use smart contracts to directly get funds to the frontline rainforest community based on verified evidence that they protect their forests.

One of the biggest challenges in tropical conservation and reforestation is ensuring that the limited funding available for on-the-ground work actually reaches the people on the ground.

All too often, funding for frontline defenders disappears in the hallways of well-intentioned NGOs and what reaches the people who could put it to best use—such as indigenous communities—is only a fraction of the original sum. At the same time, foundations and corporate institutions interested in investing in front-line conservation often lack viable options that meet their monitoring, verification and transparency requirements.

Rainforest Foundation is collaborating to expand its community and spread awareness about environmental protection to the crypto space by utilizing social mining as a community incentive program, while adding adoption to DAO products.

DAO is also inviting its strategic partner NEM to support Rainforest Foundation by assisting in symbol integration. With tech innovation and development experiences, NEM will be accelerating the usage of blockchain in environmental protection.

DAO Multi-Investment platform, For Good

Risk-capped opportunities are at the heart of DAO Maker’s multi-investment platform.

With this partnership, the company is taking its multi-investment platform’s mission of making venture opportunities accessible to anyone, anywhere to a new frontier.


DYCOs are innately risk-capped, but charities participating in them will have additional risk-capped facilities.

This is also a major step in pushing offerings beyond the crypto space.

