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Dinoquesadillas: The Story of a Young Woman From Coahuila Who Went Viral With Her Creativity

2021-05-27 16:11:15 来源:

By Stefany Cisneros

Besides being extremely rich and perse, Mexican gastronomy never stops reinventing itself. proof of this are the dinoquesadillas . These are delicacies made with nixtamal and stuffed with cheese that transformed the way we eat quesadillas and created by Jesús Abraham padilla , a young man from Coahuila.

In an interview with Unknown Mexico , Abraham told us that this successful and viral idea, although it was the product of the occurrence of the moment, has been possible thanks to the support of both his friends and his family. Here we tell you the story!

Who is Abraham and how did the idea of reinventing the traditional quesadillas come about?

Abraham padilla is originally from Saltillo and grew up in San Antonio de las Alazanas (town of Arteaga, Coahuila ). He is a 28-year-old chef who, for much of his life, has managed to develop and professionalize himself in the gastronomic field. In fact, it was his mother who introduced him to that world.

And it is that, for approximately 14 years, Mrs. Verónica has headed the family business: a small restaurant with Mexican snacks known as Doña Vero –the place is located in the same town of San Antonio–. Here, locals and travelers will find delicacies such as gorditas, tamales, buñuelos, asado dishes and much more.

图像: Abraham padilla from Dinoquesadillas via Unknown Mexico

In this way, Abraham learned all the secrets and cooking recipes that his mother knew. Later, he found his true calling in the culinary world. Therefore, he decided to work in different restaurants in the region in order to expand his knowledge. Thanks to this, he was introduced to international cuisine; however, his specialty continues to be Mexican cuisine .

More than friends, a second family

It should be added that, in the kitchen, Abraham found not only his passion but also true friends. And it is that, in the restaurant that he currently works, this creative chef has found people who have supported him and who have believed in him in such a way that he already considers them as his second family.

In fact, as Abraham told us, it is his friends who spread his work and share it on social networks. Also, dinosaurs were no exception. And although he created these during leisure time - while he was preparing to eat and embodying his passion for dinosaurs in a molote - he never imagined that his creations would go viral.

Thanks to this, and without even planning it, the economy of Abraham's family - severely affected by the pandemic - has managed to recover and, seeing himself overwhelmed by demand, Abraham asked them to reproduce the dinoquesadillas in Doña Vero. Given this, and as always, his family did not hesitate to support him.

Beyond the dinoquesadillas, an effort to vindicate the gastronomy of the region


图像: 58003

How much do they cost and where to find these delicacies?

As a result of the high demand for dinoquesadillas, Abraham and his family have hired more people to help them fill orders. Therefore, the cost of these delicious snacks has risen from $ 20 MXN per quesadilla to $ 100 MXN for three .

In addition, among the types of dinosaurs you can find are the exquisite Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex. To request your orders you can go to Doña Vero's business (located on Reynaldo Nuncio street in San Antonio de las Alazanas in Arteaga, Coahuila) or you can also contact Abraham directly through Facebook .

So now you know, if you want to try these gastronomic delights –as well as support creativity and the local economy–, be sure to go to Coahuila and take the opportunity to discover the charms of the region.


On Reynaldo Nuncio street in San Antonio de las Alazanas in Arteaga, Coahuila.

