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How A Broke Entrepreneur Became A Multi-Millionaire In Just a Few Years

2021-05-27 13:11:11 来源:

It’s common to find successful entrepreneurs talk only about their achievements after they reach the top seat. However, that does not mean failure has not been part of their journey.

Justin Goff, founder of Copy Accelerator, knows this too well.

Goff has built, almost closed down, exited and then built companies again. Like many entrepreneurs, Goff from an early age knew that he wanted to do his own thing.This thinking has taken him far, but not without dealing with his fair share of challenges.

In his current venture, Goff along with his partner Stefan Georgi coach copywriters and online marketers who want to bring in more customers and grow their business. Their program helps their clients to dial-in their marketing funnels, write winning sales copy and bring in hundreds of sales per day.


When Goff Lost 90% Of His Income And Almost Gave Up

In 2010, Justin faced the most critical stage of his career. He was barely a month away from getting broke after he lost his main client which made up 90 per cent of his income. He had no prospects and no idea about how he was going to make money. The uncertainty pushed Goff at the brink of giving up his dream of being an entrepreneur and rather look for a job at a digital marketing firm.

“I was really starting to doubt myself as an entrepreneur,” Goff said. “So much so that I thought that I had just gotten lucky all these years when I was doing well.”

With his back against the wall, Goff decided to launch his first ebook on Clickbank, a workout/diet program called ‘The 31 Day Fat Loss Cure’. In just three months, his ebook scaled on Facebook ads and brought him over USD 103,000 in profits.

Goff recalls that money gave him the capital and the confidence to not give up and keep going.

In 2014, Goff had bigger aspirations of starting a supplement company. So he launched patriot Health Alliance with his partner. They did USD 1 million in sales in the first year, and jumped to USD 7 million in the second year.In the third year, the company clocked a significant growth to become aUSD23 million company.

But, the success came with its fair share of difficulties.

By the end of 2016, Goff was completely burnt out because of the business. He was working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.Eventually, he and his partner negotiated a buyout and Goff exited the company in 2017.

Having just sold his stake in the company for millions, Goff decided to take a year off and simply relax.

“I was planning on starting a new business right away,” he said. “But after talking to other entrepreneurs who had sold their companies, all of them suggested I take time off and just spent the next 6-12 months living a regular life. So I did, and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”

Near the end of his time off, Goff got the itch to get back into business and in 2018 he conceived the idea of Copy Accelerator with his partner Stefan Georgi.

“There was this huge gap in the market when it came to teaching people about funnels, copy and converting offers on cold traffic. Both Stefan and I excel at that, so we teamed up and created the Copy Accelerator program”

Goff says that on their initial launch, they got 43 members for the program who paid up to USD 25,000 to be in the group.

This number has only grown since then, and the company currently has over 220 members in multiple membership levels in the group.

Goff’s journey shows what can be accomplished when you find a market need and you put all your focus on that one thing.

Why Entrepreneurs Should Focus on Just One Thing

Goff believes most marketers need to simplify their business and put their focus on one thing.

“If you’re trying to launch three different products and test three different traffic sources, you never get anywhere. Focus on one thing until it’s working well,” he said.


Failure is part of the Game

Goff highlights failure as simply being part of the game. He pointed that he is a fairly practical person when it comes to handling difficult scenarios. "I actually tend to be quite critical and pessimistic. In many ways, this is useful in business because you are a little more realistic about what might happen.

However, he assures that understanding that these difficult stages are part of the game has allowed him to have more clarity, which in turn has enabled him to keep to his path without wavering.

"You are not necessarily doing anything wrong if you are in difficult times. It's just part of running a business. There are good times and there are tough times," he said.

Learn From Someone Who’s Already Done It

One of Goff’s biggest suggestions for entrepreneurs is to learn from someone who’s already been there, done that.

“You can save yourself a lot of time, money and frustration by simply learning from someone who has already done what you want to do.”

Justin says he regularly seeks advice from other entrepreneurs that he trusts.

“My biggest regret is that when I started I tried to do everything on my own. I thought I didn’t need help and that was a big mistake,” he said.

Nowadays, this entrepreneur is enjoying helping others in his Copy Accelerator program. And Justin’s focus is on helping the next generation of online marketers and copywriters to reach their potential.

“Seeing someone go from a 9-5 job that they hate to having the freedom of running their own business probably gives me more fulfillment than anything else. It’s life-changing and I feel lucky to play a part in that,” said Goff.

