2019-08-23 22:26:31 来源:和讯名家
著名投资分析专家约翰·莫尔丁 (John Mauldin)近日撰文称,许多聪明、见多识广的思想家都认为,现代货币理论(MMT)可能在未来10年内付诸实践。而如果人们尝试使用该理论,则将结束美元的储备货币地位,并产生失控的通货膨胀。这将从本质上摧毁“婴儿潮一代”退休的能力,就像今天大多数人想象的那样。他还指出,如果MMT真的付诸实践,他将重新配置投资组合,并大举投资黄金、房地产和一些生物科技公司。
图片 | Pixabay
Many participants had read my analysis of the potential for $45 trillion worth of US debt by the end of the 2020s.When I started talking about the potential for $20 trillion of additional quantitative easing, it was clear the question made some uncomfortable.
There was general agreement that neither political party can balance the budget. The latest “deal” between Trump and Congress raised spending $320 billion over the next two years. The previous “sequester” deal that at least tried to limit spending is out the window. Current deficit projections will seem mild compared to what we actually get.
As I said a few weeks ago, using CBO projections from earlier this year and assuming one recession, the national debt would rise to almost $45 trillion by the end of the 2020s. This new deal will add at least another $1.5 to $2 trillion to that amount. If there is a second recession, we would be looking at north of $50 trillion.
We don’t have $40 trillion, let alone $50 trillion, to put into federal debt. It would crowd out all funding for productive private enterprises and sharply reduce GDP growth. Which is why I expect to see massive, currently inconceivable amounts of quantitative easing.
Doom and gloom? Not really. The math is from the Congressional Budget Office. It is politically impossible for them to project a recession, so they don’t. I would also admit that it is also statistically impossible to predict a recession, so they don’t.
Assuming recession in either 2020 or 2022, you can see what happens to the deficits and revenues on the charts below.
This first graph assumes a recession in 2020. Note that revenues fall below mandatory spending by the middle of the decade, then never get back above mandatory spending plus defense spending. Then by the end of the 2020s, mandatory spending will again rise to consume all tax revenue. And again, these don’t include significant off-budget spending.
This next graph assumes recession in 2022 instead of 2020. The pattern is basically the same, except that the $2-trillion deficits don’t begin until 2023. Again, this uses actual CBO projections and adjusts revenues by the same percentage they fell in 2008–2009, and recovered thereafter.
Many people were clearly just as frustrated as I am. Let me tell you, I am way past frustration. I am seriously worried for the future of the Republic and our children and retirees.
如果我们引入MMT,结果正如我们所有人所认为的那样,我认为一些州将有50%的可能希望脱离联邦政府。你这么认为吗? 当你以“人人享有正义和平等”的名义推行破坏社会结构的政策时,那些在这一进程中受损的一方将予以反击。
If we introduce MMT and the result is what we all think it will be, I think there is a 50–50 chance some states will want to secede from the union. Do you agree or disagree? When you undertake policies that will destroy the very fabric of society in the name of “justice and equality for all,” those damaged in the process will push back.
I predict an unprecedented crisis that will lead to the biggest wipeout of wealth in history. And most investors are completely unaware of the pressure building right now.(完)
【中英文】贸易战并非经济低迷的根本原因 美联储才是
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